Freedom Radio Nigeria

Freedom Radio Nigeria


“Enough is Enough” – INC Warns Buhari



The ljaw National Con­gress (INC) has is­sued a note of warn­ing to the administration of Muhammadu Buhari over his criticisms and disrespect for the immediate past pres­ident, Dr Goodluck Jona­than.

A statement jointly signed by the National President and Publicity Secretary of the body, Alatubo Charles Harry and Victor Burubo (Pastor), said the selfless act and huge sacrifice Dr Good­luck Jonathan paid to avert impending catastrophe dur­ing the 2015 general elec­tion, was left unrecognized and unappreciated, rather he is been castigated, his im­age tarnished by the govern­ment of the day

“Since he left office in May 2015, having traded his am­bition to buy Nigeria respite from acrimony, violence and bloodshed, INC, Ijaw people, all Nigerians and in­deed the world has viewed with unspeakable shock, the various attempts by officials of the succeeding Govern­ment under President Mu­hammadu Buhari, to tarnish the image of former Presi­dent Goodluck Ebele Jona­than GCFR. There is a con­stant and well-programmed diatribe and instigation of animosity against the civi­lized personage of former President Jonathan and his comparatively successful tenure under a barrage of attacks and vilifications”

The statement maintained that the INC was still at loss why the government of the day has not seen him wor­thy of credit or acknowl­edgement of any sort for his patriotism, honesty and passion for the Nigeria uni­ty.

“We view with consterna­tion the government’s un­ethical refusal to afford him any credit or plaudits for his honest, patriotic and pan-Nigerian approach to gov­ernance.”

The statement further reads: Regardless of that however Dr. Jonathan re­mains a core democrat and an International Statesman who currently enjoys a ster­ling image on the world stage.

Ijaw National Congress, frowns at the cheap, disin­genuous and petulant at­tempt by officials to finger him as a sponsor of any armed group anywhere in the world. We hereby warn the Minister of Information Mr Lai Mohammed, who has issued a mish-mash of pointless conjecture and in­nuendo such as: “belief in certain quarters that the for­mer President is a sponsor of the Avengers has refused to go away”. How crass can one get in Goebellsian dou­ble-speak!

The statement cautioned as well admonished the gov­ernment of the day on the dangers on this act of in­gratitude and provocations in the mind of Nigerians, and warned that such act should stop henceforth. It however advised them to face critical issues on governance, rather than trivial issues.

“The studied silence of former President Jonathan and the equanimity of Nige­rians in the face of such irre­sponsible provocation can­not be allowed to continue.

Let the word go forth from now: the continued vilification of Dr Goodluck Jonathan, GCFR, former President of Nigeria is un­acceptable to us and must stop. Nigeria has a far great­er weight of grim and cru­cial issues to deal with, rath­er this petty fixation with rubbishing the image of a former President who saved the Nation from certain ca­lamity. This time enough is simply enough!”

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